Word Search :
genus dictostylium
1.genus of slime molds that grow on dung and decaying vegetation
Word of the Day
Daily English Quiz
General English Quiz is daily dose of question and answers to keep your language knowledge conversant.
genus dictamnus
genus dicrostonyx
genus dicranum
genus dicranopteris
genus dicksonia
genus dichondra
genus diceros
genus dicentra
genus dicamptodon
genus diapheromera
English Test
English Test question and answers to keep your language knowledge up-to-date.
genus dictyophera
genus didelphis
genus dieffenbachia
genus diervilla
genus difflugia
genus digitalis
genus digitaria
genus dillenia
genus dimetrodon
genus dimocarpus
English Grammar Test
English Grammar Test is an application to help you enhance your English expertise.
internal respiration
sofia scicolone
priscoan aeon
genus chimaphila
indirect lighting
fusion reactor
ziegfeld follies
Idiom of the Day
intent on (doing something)
to be determined to do something
I am intent on buying some new furniture when we move to a new house.
I didn't have ________ to finish the test
time enough
enough time
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Shridhar Chillal from India is known to have the record for the longest fingernails in the world, which were each at least three feet long
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