
Word Search :
genus mandevilla

1.genus of tropical South American tuberous perennial woody vines with large racemose flowers and milky sap

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Word of the Day

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  • genus mammuthus
  • genus mammut
  • genus mammillaria
  • genus mammea
  • genus malvaviscus
  • genus malvastrum
  • genus malva
  • genus malus
  • genus malpighia
  • genus malosma
  • genus mandragora
  • genus mandrillus
  • genus manduca
  • genus mangifera
  • genus manglietia
  • genus manihot
  • genus manilkara
  • genus manis
  • genus manta
  • genus mantis
  • aventail
  • highland
  • henry oscar houghton
  • destructive-metabolic
  • coxsackie virus
  • coral honeysuckle
  • docile
  • ruinous
  • friedrich wilhelm bessel
  • unstrain

  • Idiom of the Day

    hold one's horses
    to stop and wait patiently
    "Hold your horses for a minute while I return to get my wallet."

    I don’t trust him so I can’t give you any assurance regarding the ________ of his statement.

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