
Word Search :
genus paranthropus

1.former classification for Australopithecus robustus

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Word of the Day

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  • genus paranthias
  • genus paramecium
  • genus paralithodes
  • genus paralichthys
  • genus paradoxurus
  • genus paracheirodon
  • genus paprilus
  • genus papio
  • genus paphiopedilum
  • genus papaver
  • genus parascalops
  • genus parasitaxus
  • genus parathelypteris
  • genus parietaria
  • genus paris
  • genus parkia
  • genus parkinsonia
  • genus parmelia
  • genus parnassia
  • genus parochetus
  • back entrance
  • clipped
  • genus nitrobacter
  • sunsuit
  • mistletoe cactus
  • charles augustin de coulomb
  • unmodernized
  • solidago nemoralis
  • reorganisation
  • gumdrop

  • Idiom of the Day

    in the wrong place at the wrong time
    something bad happens in a place or time where you happen to be
    The man was in the wrong place at the wrong time when the car hit him.

    Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
    There is only one television so we have to (alternate) in deciding which program to watch.

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