
Word Search :
genus pseudolarix

1.one species: golden larch

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Word of the Day

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  • genus pseudocolus
  • genus pseudococcus
  • genus pseudobombax
  • genus pseudemys
  • genus pseudechis
  • genus pseudaletia
  • genus pseudacris
  • genus psettichthys
  • genus psetta
  • genus psephurus
  • genus pseudomonas
  • genus pseudopleuronectes
  • genus pseudoryx
  • genus pseudotaxus
  • genus pseudotsuga
  • genus pseudowintera
  • genus psidium
  • genus psilophyton
  • genus psilotum
  • genus psithyrus
  • common mullein
  • vernier caliper
  • ictonyx striata
  • egotistically
  • antipersonnel bomb
  • host
  • highland fling
  • stand up
  • thinning shears
  • genus philohela

  • Idiom of the Day

    hold off (someone) or hold (someone) off
    to keep someone away by force
    The man was able to hold off the police for several hours before he was arrested.

    Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
    The man (tried his best) to try and get the job.

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