Word Search :
genus telopea
1.Australian evergreen shrubs: waratahs
Word of the Day
Daily English Quiz
General English Quiz is daily dose of question and answers to keep your language knowledge conversant.
genus tellima
genus telanthera
genus tectona
genus tectaria
genus tayassu
genus taxus
genus taxodium
genus taxidea
genus tautogolabrus
genus tautoga
English Test
English Test question and answers to keep your language knowledge up-to-date.
genus templetonia
genus tenrec
genus tephrosia
genus terebella
genus teredo
genus termes
genus terrapene
genus terrietia
genus testudo
genus tethus
English Grammar Test
English Grammar Test is an application to help you enhance your English expertise.
streptomyces erythreus
genus antilope
ralph barton perry
helianthus petiolaris
st peter's wort
Idiom of the Day
eagle eye
an eye with sharp visual powers
The woman watched her young child with an eagle eye.
Is this one glass of fruit juice all that you left of my breakfast?
Words like all; any; every; few, little; and much are followed by 'that'
Words like all; any; every; few, little; and much are followed by 'that'or 'which'
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Science Facts
Around 1,400 years ago, the Chinese used to make gunpowder by boiling up and burning pig manure.To make sure it was ready, and not polluted with salt, they licked the crystals.
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