
Word Search :
hairy golden aster

1.hairy perennial with yellow flower heads in branched clusters

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Word of the Day

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  • hairy finger grass
  • hairy darling pea
  • hairy
  • hairweaving
  • hairtail
  • hairstylist
  • hairstreak butterfly
  • hairstreak
  • hairspring
  • hairsplitting
  • hairy honeysuckle
  • hairy lip fern
  • hairy root
  • hairy spurge
  • hairy tare
  • hairy tongue
  • hairy vetch
  • hairy willowherb
  • hairy wood mint
  • hairy-legged vampire bat
  • nag hammadi
  • inane
  • ngb
  • coal black
  • respiratory quotient
  • gossiping
  • quercus muehlenbergii
  • inordinate
  • processional march
  • cheerlessness

  • Idiom of the Day

    on the horns of a dilemma
    bothered by having to decide between two things or people
    We were on the horns of a dilemma as we tried to decide if we should move or stay in our apartment.

    She's asleep; she's not ________ yet

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