
Word Search :

1.showing a sense of guilt
2.frightened into submission or compliance

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Word of the Day

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  • hangchow
  • hangbird
  • hangar queen
  • hangar
  • hang-up
  • hang up
  • hang together
  • hang out
  • hang on
  • hang in
  • hanger
  • hanger-on
  • hanging
  • hanging chad
  • hanging fly
  • hanging gardens of babylon
  • hanging geranium
  • hanging wall
  • hangman
  • hangman's halter
  • fourth power
  • calorimetric
  • mechanic
  • sensitive fern
  • genus woodsia
  • astrodynamics
  • dysarthria
  • loud-hailer
  • colloquially
  • family ceratodontidae

  • Idiom of the Day

    take (someone) hostage
    to kidnap or seize someone to be a hostage
    The bank robbers took several people hostage during the bank robbery.

    Well, I won't ________ up any more excuses. I wasn't here yesterday because I went to a football match.

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