
Word Search :
harry sinclair lewis

1.United States novelist who satirized middle-class America in his novel Main Street (1885-1951)

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Word of the Day

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  • harry s truman
  • harry lillis crosby
  • harry lauder
  • harry houdini
  • harry hotspur
  • harry fitch kleinfelter
  • harry f. klinefelter
  • harry bridges
  • harry
  • harrowing
  • harry stack sullivan
  • harry truman
  • harsh
  • harshen
  • harshly
  • harshness
  • hart
  • hart crane
  • hart's-tongue
  • hart's-tongue fern
  • anodize
  • synanceja
  • alinement
  • scarlatina
  • high comedy
  • larvacide
  • electrical line of force
  • rumple
  • violoncello
  • windowsill

  • Idiom of the Day

    give (someone) the brush-off
    to send someone away, to ignore someone
    I gave the woman the brush-off when I saw her in the supermarket.

    S1: This is the story of a tram that woke up at dead of night and went off on a trip all by itself to end in a disaster.
    S6: As a result, when the power supply was restored in the early morning the tram began to move.

    P: In the early morning of 19 January it suddenly started backing out of the depot on its own.
    Q: Tramways sources explained that power supply to the overhead wires at the siding had been switched off for some repair work.
    R: It went up a quarter mile away, crashed into state bus which caught fire when it smashed into an electric feeder box and a water tap.
    S: There was presumably, some defect in the reversal handle of the tram and its main switch had not been put off.

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