
Word Search :

1.the apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which celestial bodies appear to be projected

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Word of the Day

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  • heavenly jewel
  • heavenly city
  • heavenly body
  • heavenly
  • heaven-sent
  • heaven
  • heave up
  • heave
  • heaume
  • heatstroke
  • heavenward
  • heavenwardly
  • heavenwards
  • heaver
  • heaves
  • heavier-than-air
  • heavier-than-air craft
  • heavily
  • heavily traveled
  • heaviness
  • antitoxin
  • salpa
  • pachytene
  • xerxes the great
  • enolic
  • anagyris foetida
  • supposition
  • agave sisalana
  • stripper well
  • croton oil

  • Idiom of the Day

    not give/care two hoots about (someone or something)
    to not care at all about someone or something
    I do not give two hoots about what my neighbor thinks of me.

    S1: I never took payment for speaking.
    S6: In this way I secured perfect freedom of speech, and was warmed against the accusation of being a professional agitator.

    P: The Sunday Society would then assure me that on these terms I might lecture on anything I liked and how I liked.
    Q: It often happened that provincial' Sunday societies offered me the usual ten genuine fee to give the usual sort of leacture, avoiding controversial politics and religion.
    R: Occasionally to avoid embarrassing other lecturers who lived by lecturing, the account was settled by a debit and credit entry, that is, I was credited with the usual fee and expenses and gave it back as a donation to the society.
    S: I always replied that I never lectured on anything but very controversial politics and religion and that my fee was the price of my railway ticket third class if the place was farther off than I could afford to go at my own expense.

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