
Word Search :

1.small genus of perennial herbs having rhizomes and palmate leaves and small solitary flowers

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Word of the Day

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  • hydrarthrosis
  • hydrargyrum
  • hydrant
  • hydrangeaceae
  • hydrangea petiolaris
  • hydrangea paniculata
  • hydrangea macrophylla hortensis
  • hydrangea family
  • hydrangea arborescens
  • hydrangea anomala
  • hydrastis canadensis
  • hydrate
  • hydrated
  • hydrated aluminium oxide
  • hydrated aluminum oxide
  • hydrated lime
  • hydrated oxide
  • hydration
  • hydraulic
  • hydraulic brake
  • allude
  • shakespearean
  • main file
  • genus manduca
  • best friend
  • tsung dao lee
  • heteronym
  • mouth off
  • archesporium
  • mollusk genus

  • Idiom of the Day

    catch some Z's
    to get some sleep
    I needed to catch some Z's after working hard all weekend.

    After twenty years, she discovered the truth; she found ________ that her partner was a criminal

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