
Word Search :

1.of great significance or value
2.important in effect or meaning
3.of extreme importance
4.having authority or ascendancy or influence
5.having or suggesting a consciousness of high position

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Word of the Day

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  • importance
  • import duty
  • import credit
  • import barrier
  • import
  • imponderable
  • impolitic
  • impoliteness
  • impolitely
  • impolite
  • important person
  • important-looking
  • importantly
  • importation
  • imported
  • importee
  • importer
  • importing
  • importunate
  • importunately
  • duke
  • topminnow
  • clxxx
  • utility-grade
  • john
  • photo credit
  • little grebe
  • shoehorn
  • join
  • quick-wittedness

  • Idiom of the Day

    not know whether/if one is coming or going
    to be very confused
    My friend did not know whether he was coming or going after the long airplane flight.

    Charles: The one thing I've ________ is that he doesn't say anything.

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