
Word Search :

1.defying expression or description
2.too sacred to be uttered

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Word of the Day

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  • inedible
  • inebriety
  • inebriation
  • inebriated
  • inebriate
  • inebriant
  • indwelling
  • indweller
  • indwell
  • industry analyst
  • ineffably
  • ineffective
  • ineffectively
  • ineffectiveness
  • ineffectual
  • ineffectuality
  • ineffectually
  • ineffectualness
  • inefficacious
  • inefficaciously
  • stub nail
  • rhagoletis pomonella
  • sporanox
  • saint vincent
  • webfoot
  • bittercress
  • provoked
  • plower
  • medical student
  • belly

  • Idiom of the Day

    like nothing on earth
    very unusual
    The performance by our neighbor was like nothing on earth and surprised everyone who saw it.

    This is the __________ kitchen I've ever seen.

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    It is of three types, viz, air to air, surface to air, and air to surface. Air to air guided missile, launched from an aircraft is employed to hit target in the battlefield.      .. More >>
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