
Word Search :

1.sudden prostration due to exposure to the sun or excessive heat
2.incident solar radiation
3.therapeutic exposure to sunlight

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Word of the Day

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  • insolate
  • insofar
  • insisting
  • insistently
  • insistent
  • insistency
  • insistence
  • insist
  • insipidness
  • insipidly
  • insole
  • insolence
  • insolent
  • insolently
  • insolubility
  • insoluble
  • insolvable
  • insolvency
  • insolvent
  • insomnia
  • resort area
  • garrulousness
  • low-backed
  • chromaesthesia
  • historical present
  • vena basivertebralis
  • sodium pyrophosphate
  • family arcellidae
  • drone
  • special agent

  • Idiom of the Day

    jump at (something)
    to seize the opportunity to do something
    I jumped at the chance to go to France on company business.

    Much to my surprise, my teenage daughter was ________ to the idea of going out with me on Friday night instead of with her friends.

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