
Word Search :

1.the arch of the foot
2.the part of a shoe or stocking that covers the instep

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Word of the Day

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  • instead
  • instauration
  • instar
  • instantly
  • instantiation
  • instantiate
  • instantaneousness
  • instantaneously
  • instantaneous sound pressure
  • instantaneous
  • instigant
  • instigate
  • instigation
  • instigative
  • instigator
  • instil
  • instill
  • instillation
  • instillator
  • instilling
  • semitic
  • john venn
  • shrimper
  • genus thyrsopteris
  • toasting fork
  • trickery
  • norn
  • electric fire
  • box beam
  • leathery polypody

  • Idiom of the Day

    have no business (doing something)
    to be wrong to do something
    The manager has no business asking us about our private business.

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