
Word Search :

1.a former Chinese custom of touching the ground with the forehead as a sign of respect or submission kotow v.
1.try to gain favor by cringing or flattering

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Word of the Day

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  • kotoko
  • koto player
  • koto
  • kotex
  • kotar
  • kota
  • kosteletzya virginica
  • kosteletzya
  • kosovo
  • kosher
  • koudou
  • koumiss
  • koussevitzky
  • kovna
  • kovno
  • koweit
  • kowhai
  • kowtow
  • kph
  • kr
  • fortunetelling
  • shortly
  • decrescendo
  • tyrannous
  • keep guard
  • bridal wreath
  • one-third
  • pepper root
  • notability
  • sawed-off shotgun

  • Idiom of the Day

    in good with (someone)
    in someone's favor
    My cousin is in good with his boss and he has an easy time at work.

    She realized mortgage rates had declined and decided it was ________ to continue paying rent when she could now afford a monthly payment for her own home.

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