
Word Search :
languas speciosa

1.cultivated for its shining oblong leaves and arching clusters of white flowers with shell-pink shading and crinkled yellow lip with variegated magenta stripes

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Word of the Day

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  • language zone
  • language unit
  • language teaching
  • language system
  • language school
  • language requirement
  • language lesson
  • language learning
  • language barrier
  • language area
  • langue d'oc
  • langue d'oc french
  • langue d'oil
  • langue d'oil french
  • languedoc-roussillon
  • languid
  • languidly
  • languish
  • languisher
  • languor
  • pinus cembra
  • tetherball
  • acute triangle
  • gasworks
  • giant timber bamboo
  • vaccinium caespitosum
  • tai chi
  • blistered
  • fornix
  • vanuatu

  • Idiom of the Day

    diamond in the rough
    a good person or thing that is hidden by a rough exterior
    The man is a diamond in the rough and a very gentle person.

    If you don't check ________ your work, you can miss many mistakes

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