
Word Search :

1.large brightly marked tropical insect with a process like a snout that was formerly thought to emit light

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Word of the Day

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  • lantern wheel
  • lantern slide
  • lantern pinion
  • lantern jaw
  • lantern fly
  • lantern
  • lantana
  • lansoprazole
  • lansium domesticum
  • lansing
  • lantern-jawed
  • lanternfish
  • lanthanide
  • lanthanide series
  • lanthanoid
  • lanthanon
  • lanthanotidae
  • lanthanotus
  • lanthanotus borneensis
  • lanthanum
  • micronor
  • marineland
  • endeavor
  • unvarying
  • penny pincher
  • derris elliptica
  • drogue parachute
  • inward-developing
  • slip friction clutch
  • belay

  • Idiom of the Day

    drown (someone) out or drown out (someone)
    to make so much noise that it is impossible to hear someone
    The cheering fans drowned out the team captain.

    S1: One of the most dangerous insect pests is the locust.
    S6: At this stage, they gather in huge numbers and rise from the ground on their powerful wings in cloud.

    P: At first they look just like ordinary grasshoppers, which are harmless and unable to fly very far.
    Q: Until about thirty years ago, no one knew where locusts came from or why they appeared in the different countries they attacked.
    R: Then they change in appearance and develop wings which enable them to fly long distances.
    S: Then it was discovered that there are two stages in the life of locusts.

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