
Word Search :

1.of or relating to Liechtenstein or its inhabitants liechtensteiner n.
1.a native or inhabitant of Liechtenstein

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Word of the Day

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  • liechtenstein
  • liebig condenser
  • liebfraumilch
  • lie-in
  • lie-abed
  • lie low
  • lie in wait
  • lie in
  • lie down
  • lie dormant
  • lied
  • lieder singer
  • liederkranz
  • lief
  • liege
  • liege subject
  • liegeman
  • lien
  • lienal
  • lienal artery
  • hizb ut-tahrir
  • james abraham garfield
  • flurazepam hydrochloride
  • affected role
  • bathyergus
  • absorbate
  • recapitulate
  • gainsborough
  • kenya fever
  • ascorbic acid

  • Idiom of the Day

    force (someone's) hand
    to make someone do something sooner than planned
    I forced the manager's hand and made him tell me about his plans for our company.

    execute is most similar to

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