Word Search :
life expectancy
1.an expected time to live as calculated on the basis of statistical probabilities
Word of the Day
Daily English Quiz
General English Quiz is daily dose of question and answers to keep your language knowledge conversant.
life eternal
life estate
life cycle
life class
life buoy
life belt
life assurance
lieutenant junior grade
lieutenant jg
English Test
English Test question and answers to keep your language knowledge up-to-date.
life force
life form
life history
life imprisonment
life insurance
life jacket
life line
life mask
life office
life peer
English Grammar Test
English Grammar Test is an application to help you enhance your English expertise.
sea puss
hydrofluosilicic acid
dusky salamander
igor ivanovich sikorsky
antihemophilic globulin
silicon carbide
compromise verdict
sarah vaughan
Idiom of the Day
put out a fire or a light
to make a flame or light stop burning, to extinguish a flame or fire
The citizens were able to put out the fire before the fire department arrived.
I'm interested in finding out more about it
The speaker has already started looking for information
The speaker is probably going to start looking for information
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Animal Facts
An octopus has to turn itself inside out to eat, as its mouth is hidden in between its tentacles.
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