
Word Search :
light second

1.the distance light travels in a vacuum in one second

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Word of the Day

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  • light reflex
  • light reaction
  • light pen
  • light opera
  • light minute
  • light middleweight
  • light microscope
  • light meter
  • light machine gun
  • light intensity
  • light show
  • light source
  • light speed
  • light time
  • light touch
  • light unit
  • light up
  • light upon
  • light welterweight
  • light whipping cream
  • landed
  • birefringence
  • alauda
  • rouged
  • bankruptcy
  • citellus
  • matricaria chamomilla
  • hydrangea arborescens
  • sit-down strike
  • family room

  • Idiom of the Day

    stand off from (someone or something)
    to stay at a distance from someone or something, to stay apart from someone or something
    The girl always stands off from the other students in her class.

    Well, he says that he doesn't trust ________ .

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