
Word Search :

1.(of characters in literature or drama) evoking empathic or sympathetic feelings
2.easy to like

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Word of the Day

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  • like-minded
  • like thunder
  • like the devil
  • like sin
  • like royalty
  • like mad
  • like kings
  • like hell
  • like crazy
  • like clockwork
  • liked
  • likelihood
  • likeliness
  • likely
  • liken
  • likeness
  • likening
  • likewise
  • liking
  • likuta
  • benumbed
  • first of all
  • phlegmy
  • discoloured
  • symplocus
  • filtration
  • motor
  • discordance
  • vouchsafe
  • danse macabre

  • Idiom of the Day

    make merry
    to have fun, to laugh and celebrate
    We decided to go to a nice restaurant and make merry for the evening.

    Have you heard the latest? John and Mary are ________ married.

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