
Word Search :

1.a feeling of lack of interest or energy
2.inactivity resulting from torpidity and lack of vigor or energy

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Word of the Day

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  • listlessly
  • listless
  • listing
  • listeriosis
  • listeria monocytogenes
  • listeria meningitis
  • listeria
  • listera ovata
  • listera cordata
  • listera convallarioides
  • liston
  • lisu
  • liszt
  • lit
  • lit crit
  • litany
  • litas
  • litchee
  • litchi
  • litchi chinensis
  • slippery
  • publishing empire
  • string bean
  • piston
  • political action committee
  • genus amorphophallus
  • resulting
  • venous blood
  • pflp-gc
  • obese

  • Idiom of the Day

    make a run for it
    to dash for safety, to make a quick escape
    I made a run for it when the class finished.

    The webmaster sent ________ an email to all the forum members.

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