
Word Search :

1.system of religion founded in Persia in the 6th century BC by Zoroaster

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Word of the Day

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  • mazatlan
  • mazar-i-sharif
  • mazama
  • mayweed
  • mays
  • maypop
  • maypole
  • mayoress
  • mayoralty
  • mayoral
  • maze
  • mazed
  • mazer
  • mazopathy
  • mazurka
  • mazy
  • mazzard
  • mazzard cherry
  • mazzini
  • mb
  • antifouling
  • ocean sunfish
  • phage
  • detusk
  • drawbridge
  • chemical equilibrium
  • change magnitude
  • knesset
  • castor fiber
  • renewed

  • Idiom of the Day

    duty bound (to do something)
    to be forced by duty or honor to do something
    I was duty bound to talk to my friend about the money that I had lost.

    The house ________ I was born

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