
Word Search :

1.a synthetic progestational compound used to treat endometrial carcinoma

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Word of the Day

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  • megawatt
  • megavitamin therapy
  • megaton bomb
  • megaton
  • megatherium
  • megatheriidae
  • megatheriid
  • megatherian mammal
  • megatherian
  • megathere
  • megestrol acetate
  • megillah
  • megilp
  • megohm
  • megrim
  • megrims
  • mehemet ali
  • mei
  • meibomian cyst
  • meibomian gland
  • fullerene
  • rhaeto-romanic
  • withered
  • demand deposit
  • playwright
  • pectinate
  • cantle
  • plectophera
  • heavy-handed
  • unknowable

  • Idiom of the Day

    knock about
    to travel without a plan, to go where one pleases
    We decided to go to Brazil and knock about for a couple of months.

    It was ________ beautiful day that he decided to go for a walk.

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