
Word Search :

1.an organization of missionaries in a foreign land sent to carry on religious work
2.an operation that is assigned by a higher headquarters
3.a special assignment that is given to a person or group
4.the organized work of a religious missionary
5.a group of representatives or delegates

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Word of the Day

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  • missing link
  • missing
  • missile defense system
  • missile defence system
  • missile
  • misshapenness
  • misshapen
  • missel thrush
  • missed
  • missal
  • mission bells
  • mission impossible
  • missionary
  • missionary post
  • missionary station
  • missionary work
  • missioner
  • missippian period
  • missis
  • mississippi
  • njord
  • de valera
  • pyrausta nubilalis
  • aquaphobic
  • youthfulness
  • fahrenheit
  • springtail
  • balcony
  • secretariate
  • state government

  • Idiom of the Day

    spin (something) off or spin off (something)
    to create something as a by-product of something else
    The company plans to spin off some new products from their original invention.

    Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
    The father is going to (pay) for his son's trip to Europe.

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