
Word Search :

1.a cooperative Israeli village or settlement comprised of small farms

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Word of the Day

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  • mosh
  • mosey
  • moses maimonides
  • moses
  • moselle
  • moscow
  • moschus moschiferus
  • moschus
  • mosander
  • mosan
  • moshe dayan
  • moslem
  • moslem calendar
  • mosque
  • mosquito
  • mosquito bite
  • mosquito boat
  • mosquito craft
  • mosquito fern
  • mosquito hawk
  • nepeta hederaceae
  • opsonization
  • mikhail gorbachev
  • suricata suricatta
  • oca
  • dory
  • alexandrian
  • lateran council
  • herb robert
  • pond bald cypress

  • Idiom of the Day

    get out of (somewhere)
    to leave somewhere, to escape
    I want to hurry and get out of my house so I will not be late for work.

    She spoke with ________ honesty.

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