
Word Search :

1.a person who practices nudity for reasons of health or religion

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Word of the Day

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  • naturism
  • nature worship
  • nature study
  • nature
  • naturalness
  • naturally occurring
  • naturally
  • naturalized
  • naturalize
  • naturalization
  • naturistic
  • naturopath
  • naturopathy
  • nauch
  • nauclea
  • nauclea diderrichii
  • naucrates
  • naucrates ductor
  • naught
  • naughtily
  • risk
  • mouthless
  • climbing salamander
  • byzantine
  • number theorist
  • index fossil
  • baraka
  • fraise
  • crucial
  • open sesame

  • Idiom of the Day

    next to nothing
    hardly anything, almost nothing
    I was able to buy a computer for next to nothing.

    I asked them not to make so much noise, but they ________ on until I got angry

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