
Word Search :
nerve tissue

1.tissue composed of neurons

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Word of the Day

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  • nerve plexus
  • nerve pathway
  • nerve impulse
  • nerve growth factor
  • nerve gas
  • nerve fibre
  • nerve fiber
  • nerve entrapment
  • nerve ending
  • nerve end
  • nerve tract
  • nerve-racking
  • nerve-wracking
  • nerveless
  • nervelessly
  • nervelessness
  • nerveroot
  • nerves
  • nervi
  • nervii olfactorii
  • last quarter
  • pemphigus
  • western red cedar
  • masefield
  • mexico
  • bustle
  • take the stand
  • sprung rhythm
  • citellus parryi
  • ludian

  • Idiom of the Day

    handle with kid gloves
    to be very careful handling someone or something
    The man is very sensitive so you have to handle him with kid gloves when you speak to him.

    S1: A transformation of consciousness is now beginning to express itself in the field of theoretical architecture.
    S6: The relationship between culture and nature is changed, for the architect grows a house like a garden.

    P: In the still theoretical structure an attempt is being made to create a house that is "a domestication of an ecosystem."
    Q: What is happening in the architecture is a shift from the international style of the post industrial era to a symbolic structure.
    R: Since architecture is the collective unconscious made visible, the architect does not himself always understand the full cultural implications of his own work.
    S: The new form is not a celebration of power over new materials, but a celebration of cooperation with ecosystem.

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