
Word Search :

1.the staff of a newspaper or the news department of a periodical
2.an office in which news is processed by a newspaper or news agency or television or radio station
3.a reading room (in a library or club) where newspapers and other periodicals can be read

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Word of the Day

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  • newsreel
  • newsreader
  • newsprint
  • newsperson
  • newspeak
  • newspaperwoman
  • newspaperman
  • newspapering
  • newspaper publisher
  • newspaper headline
  • newssheet
  • newsstand
  • newsstand operator
  • newsvendor
  • newswoman
  • newsworthiness
  • newsworthy
  • newswriter
  • newsy
  • newt
  • hypercholesterolemia
  • oman
  • francis richard stockton
  • pawer
  • cacatua galerita
  • uncoloured
  • tolu balsam
  • keep one's eyes peeled
  • quarter section
  • lube

  • Idiom of the Day

    a place that handles lost items that other people find
    I went to the lost-and-found department at the train station to look for my umbrella.

    The tree was blocking light from the living room so I cut it ________

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