
Word Search :

1.derivative of furan used to inhibit bacterial growth

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Word of the Day

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  • nitrocotton
  • nitrochloromethane
  • nitrochloroform
  • nitrocellulose
  • nitrocalcite
  • nitrobenzene
  • nitrobacterium
  • nitrobacteriaceae
  • nitrobacteria
  • nitrobacter
  • nitrofurantoin
  • nitrogen
  • nitrogen balance
  • nitrogen cycle
  • nitrogen dioxide
  • nitrogen fixation
  • nitrogen mustard
  • nitrogen narcosis
  • nitrogen oxide
  • nitrogen trichloride
  • reverberative
  • celesta
  • jugal point
  • potential difference
  • agog
  • yellowcake
  • unspoken accusation
  • bologna sausage
  • warner
  • zinc deficiency

  • Idiom of the Day

    do away with (something)
    to stop something, to get rid of something
    The company will do away with their policy of working one weekend a month.

    Our sales meetings were reduced to once a fortnight because the weekly meetings were not considered to be ________ enough.

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