
Word Search :

1.a family of dicotyledonous trees of order Myrtales that includes the sour gum trees

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Word of the Day

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  • nyssa sylvatica
  • nyssa aquatica
  • nyssa
  • nyse
  • nyquist rate
  • nyquist frequency
  • nypa
  • nynorsk
  • nympholept
  • nympholepsy
  • nystagmus
  • nystan
  • nystatin
  • nyx
  • o
  • o level
  • o ring
  • o'brien
  • o'casey
  • o'clock
  • crustacean
  • gazella
  • cookstove
  • stibnite
  • cutout
  • diagrammatical
  • bw defense
  • cor anglais
  • preservable
  • teodor josef konrad korzeniowski

  • Idiom of the Day

    not for hire
    not available to take new passengers (a taxi or something else that is not available to rent)
    The first taxi was not for hire so we had to wait for another one.

    He complained of ________ by the police.

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