
Word Search :

1.a list of proper nouns naming persons or places

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Word of the Day

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  • onomastic
  • onomancy
  • onomancer
  • onoclea struthiopteris
  • onoclea sensibilis
  • onoclea
  • onobrychis viciifolia
  • onobrychis viciaefolia
  • onobrychis
  • ono
  • onomastics
  • onomatomania
  • onomatopoeia
  • onomatopoeic
  • onomatopoeical
  • onomatopoetic
  • onondaga
  • ononis
  • ononis repens
  • ononis spinosa
  • actualized
  • vitreous silica
  • nonrapid eye movement
  • adorably
  • coenzyme q
  • finish off
  • asphyxiate
  • matron of honor
  • comedienne
  • ocyurus chrysurus

  • Idiom of the Day

    go begging
    to be unwanted or unused
    Much food went begging when fewer people than expected came to the dinner.

    We couldn't get everyone to come on the date planned, so the meeting's been held ________ till next week.

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