
Word Search :

1.leaking out slowly

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Word of the Day

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  • oozing
  • ooze through
  • ooze out
  • ooze leather
  • ooze
  • ootid
  • oosphere
  • oort cloud
  • oort
  • oophorosalpingectomy
  • op art
  • opacification
  • opacify
  • opacity
  • opah
  • opal
  • opal glass
  • opalesce
  • opalescence
  • opalescent
  • sibley tent
  • stomach sweetbread
  • white-breasted nuthatch
  • chinchy
  • fine-grained
  • lobe-finned fish
  • guinea grains
  • clay pipe
  • common plum
  • defence policy

  • Idiom of the Day

    get out of (somewhere)
    to leave somewhere, to escape
    I want to hurry and get out of my house so I will not be late for work.

    She's interested in the idea

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