
Word Search :

1.a place of business for retailing goods
2.receptacle providing a place in a wiring system where current can be taken to run electrical devices
3.an opening that permits escape or release
4.activity that releases or expresses creative energy or emotion

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Word of the Day

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  • outlay
  • outlawry
  • outlawed
  • outlaw
  • outlast
  • outlandishness
  • outlandishly
  • outlandish
  • outlander
  • outing
  • outlet box
  • outlier
  • outline
  • outlined
  • outlive
  • outlook
  • outlying
  • outmaneuver
  • outmanoeuvre
  • outmarch
  • demur
  • cyclamen hederifolium
  • shanny
  • knighthood
  • prince of darkness
  • charles dillon stengel
  • apis
  • amnesic aphasia
  • deshabille
  • babies'-breath

  • Idiom of the Day

    eat one's cake and have it too
    to use or spend something but still keep it
    The man wants to eat his cake and have it too and he will never give up anything.

    The teacher was dismissed for the ________ act of helping his students cheat on the exam.

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