
Word Search :

1.a motorist who owns the car that he/she drives

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Word of the Day

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  • owner
  • owned
  • own right
  • own goal
  • own
  • owlt
  • owlishly
  • owlish
  • owlet moth
  • owlet
  • owner-occupied
  • owner-occupier
  • ownerless
  • ownership
  • ox
  • ox-eyed
  • ox-eyed daisy
  • oxacillin
  • oxalacetate
  • oxalacetic acid
  • european honeysuckle
  • siren
  • doctor of osteopathy
  • sign painter
  • dominick
  • chanfron
  • william lawrence shirer
  • hole-in-the-wall
  • basque
  • bone marrow

  • Idiom of the Day

    loose ends
    details that are not settled, things that are not finished
    I have many loose ends to deal with before I go on my holidays.

    We would like to ________ our customers that over the Christmas period we will be closing an hour earlier than usual.

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