
Word Search :

1.a bundle of mylenated nerve fibers following a path through the brain
2.a trodden path

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Word of the Day

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  • pathos
  • pathology
  • pathologist
  • pathologically
  • pathological state
  • pathological process
  • pathological
  • pathologic process
  • pathologic
  • pathogenically
  • patience
  • patient
  • patient of
  • patient role
  • patiently
  • patina
  • patinate
  • patinise
  • patinize
  • patio
  • inning
  • jejuneness
  • roccella
  • sluice down
  • pancake turtle
  • base pair
  • holy grail
  • bonduc
  • genus arnoseris
  • immix

  • Idiom of the Day

    keep house
    to look after a house or a household
    The girl has been keeping house for her father while he is sick.

    The film started LATE

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