
Word Search :
paul simon

1.United States singer and songwriter (born in 1942)

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Word of the Day

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  • paul robeson
  • paul revere
  • paul newman
  • paul mccartney
  • paul ludwig von beneckendorff und von hindenburg
  • paul klee
  • paul joseph goebbels
  • paul john flory
  • paul johannes tillich
  • paul johann ludwig von heyse
  • paul the apostle
  • paul tillich
  • paul verlaine
  • paul vernier
  • paul von hindenburg
  • pauli
  • pauli exclusion principle
  • pauline
  • pauling
  • paulo afonso
  • shine up
  • nuisance abatement
  • genus brachychiton
  • celery pine
  • mental unsoundness
  • early coral root
  • tjalling koopmans
  • livery driver
  • inexpediently
  • splintering

  • Idiom of the Day

    come down to (something)
    to be reduced to something
    The man's decision about the job came down to how it would affect his family.

    Edison ________ newspapers before he became a famous inventor.

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