
Word Search :
petitio principii

1.the logical fallacy of assuming the conclusion in the premises

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Word of the Day

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  • petitio
  • petiteness
  • petite marmite
  • petite bourgeoisie
  • petite
  • petit point
  • petit mal epilepsy
  • petit mal
  • petit larceny
  • petit jury
  • petition
  • petitionary
  • petitioner
  • petrarca
  • petrarch
  • petrarchan sonnet
  • petrel
  • petri dish
  • petrifaction
  • petrification
  • metamorphopsia
  • geosynchronous orbit
  • valet de chambre
  • whitetail
  • on it
  • swain
  • butterfly effect
  • leaden
  • currishly
  • hamelia

  • Idiom of the Day

    snow (someone) under
    to give so much work or something that it cannot be dealt with
    The extra homework snowed me under during the last week.

    I prefer to deal in ________ cash rather than cheques.

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