
Word Search :

1.large edible mackerel of temperate United States coastal Atlantic waters

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Word of the Day

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  • pint-sized
  • pint-size
  • pint
  • pinstriped
  • pinstripe
  • pinsk
  • pinscher
  • pins and needles
  • pinprick
  • pinpoint
  • pintail
  • pinter
  • pintle
  • pinto
  • pinto bean
  • pinus
  • pinus albicaulis
  • pinus aristata
  • pinus attenuata
  • pinus banksiana
  • nabothian cyst
  • landlubber
  • swamp milkweed
  • stack
  • neologism
  • oil pump
  • stowage
  • highball
  • qing
  • trade wind

  • Idiom of the Day

    kill the goose that lays the golden egg
    to spoil something that is good or something that one has by being greedy
    The man's job was very good and the salary was high but he quit the job because he wanted more money. He killed the goose that lays the golden egg.

    After supper, Henry and his family went home. Later that evening the phone rang.Man's voice: Oh, Mr. Orpington. I've been trying to reach you all day. This is Paul Harris. I called you this morning but I was cut off. It was a bad line or something.Henry: Well, what about the bomb?Harris: The bomb? What on ________ do you mean?Henry: That's what I'd like to know. You said, I want to warn you about a bomb.

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