
Word Search :
radiation sickness

1.syndrome resulting from exposure to ionizing radiation (e.g., exposure to radioactive chemicals or to nuclear explosions)

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Word of the Day

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  • radiation pyrometer
  • radiation pressure
  • radiation pattern
  • radiation field
  • radiation diagram
  • radiation
  • radiating
  • radiate
  • radiantly
  • radiant heating
  • radiation syndrome
  • radiation therapy
  • radiator
  • radiator cap
  • radiator grille
  • radiator hose
  • radical
  • radical cell
  • radical chic
  • radical hysterectomy
  • monkey business
  • lady's laces
  • parietales
  • shnorr
  • avaricious
  • polystichum aculeatum
  • ultrahigh frequency
  • prima
  • joseph mallord william turner
  • genus castanopsis

  • Idiom of the Day

    a match for (someone)
    equal to someone in a contest
    The German soccer team was a match for the Brazilian team.

    S1: Instantly, the full load yanked Gordy towards the side of the bridge.
    S6: Feeling a sharp burning sensation where the cable was speeding between his things, Gordy rose on tiptoe and as he did, the slithering coil of cable tightened around his left foot and yanked him over the railing.

    P: But the pull of the cable was too much.
    Q: He could hardly feel the cUble, slipping through his fingers, ripping off his gloves, and streaking over the railing like an escaping snake.
    R: It smashed his hands hard against the top of the railing, causing a split - second feeling of fierce pain followed by numbness.
    S: He held on to the cable; it had been hard work lifting it, and he did not want to have to start over again.

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