
Word Search :

1.explore anew

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Word of the Day

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  • re-explain
  • re-experiencing
  • re-examine
  • re-establishment
  • re-equip
  • re-entrant
  • re-enter
  • re-emphasize
  • re-emphasise
  • re-emerge
  • re-formation
  • re-formed
  • re-incorporate
  • re-introduce
  • re-introduction
  • re-sentencing
  • re-uptake
  • rea silvia
  • reabsorb
  • reabsorption
  • poor box
  • humble plant
  • family tytonidae
  • sure enough
  • unreliably
  • new amsterdam
  • sugar sorghum
  • analphabet
  • boulder clay
  • ray cattell

  • Idiom of the Day

    white elephant
    a useless possession that is a nuisance and often very expensive to keep
    They are having a white elephant sale at the school next week.

    Pick the correct Synonym :

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