
Word Search :
red guard

1.a radical political movement by Chinese youths who espoused Maoist principles

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Word of the Day

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  • red grouse
  • red gram
  • red goosefoot
  • red goatfish
  • red ginger
  • red giant star
  • red giant
  • red fox
  • red flag
  • red fire
  • red gum
  • red hand defenders
  • red haw
  • red heat
  • red helleborine
  • red herring
  • red hot
  • red indian
  • red ink
  • red jungle fowl
  • cucumis
  • redeemable
  • ahistorical
  • scrutiny
  • tax-increase
  • wallow
  • genus firmiana
  • winter heliotrope
  • rumourmonger
  • summarisation

  • Idiom of the Day

    take the initiative to (do something)
    to decide to do something although one has not been asked to do it
    I decided to take the initiative to organize a dinner for my friend who was leaving to go to a different university.

    Supposing if the bridegroom (a) / doesn't arrive in time for the wedding, (b) / what will you do ?(c) / No error (d)

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