
Word Search :

1.(physiology) the gradual lengthening of inactive muscle or muscle fibers
2.(physics) the exponential return of a system to equilibrium after a disturbance
3.a state of refreshing tranquility
4.an occurrence of control or strength weakening
5.freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility)
6.a method of solving simultaneous equations by guessing a solution and then reducing the errors that result by successive approximations until all the errors are less than some specified amount
7.the act of making less strict

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Word of the Day

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  • relaxant
  • relax
  • relatum
  • relativize
  • relativity theory
  • relativity
  • relativistically
  • relativistic mass
  • relativistic
  • relativism
  • relaxation behavior
  • relaxation method
  • relaxation time
  • relaxed
  • relaxer
  • relaxin
  • relaxing
  • relay
  • relay links
  • relay race
  • hirohito
  • genus alcelaphus
  • round-bottom
  • magnoliopsid genus
  • european lobster
  • horse blanket
  • impost
  • lepus californicus
  • superior labial artery
  • genus ceroxylon

  • Idiom of the Day

    late in life
    when one is older
    Some very great painters never started painting until late in life.

    S1: In the eighteenth century people expected most of their children to die before they were grown up.
    S6: There is no obvious limit to the improvement of health that cail be brought about by medicine.

    P: Improvement began at the beginning of the nineteenth century, chiefly owing to vaccination.
    Q: The general death rate in 1948 (10.8) was the lowest ever recorded upto that date.
    R: In 1920 the infant mortality in England and Wales was 80 per thousand, in 1948 it was 34 per thousand.
    S: It has continued ever since and is still continuing.

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