
Word Search :
republic of paraguay

1.a landlocked republic in south central South America

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Word of the Day

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  • republic of panama
  • republic of palau
  • republic of niger
  • republic of nicaragua
  • republic of nauru
  • republic of namibia
  • republic of mozambique
  • republic of moldova
  • republic of mauritius
  • republic of malta
  • republic of peru
  • republic of poland
  • republic of san marino
  • republic of senegal
  • republic of seychelles
  • republic of sierra leone
  • republic of singapore
  • republic of slovenia
  • republic of south africa
  • republic of suriname
  • aedes albopictus
  • esme stuart lennox robinson
  • genus ceiba
  • pressure-cooker
  • splintery
  • opalesce
  • sturdy
  • collision
  • lebanese monetary unit
  • litheness

  • Idiom of the Day

    break the back of (something)
    to reduce the power of something
    The company tried very hard to break the back of the union.

    S1: Progress and success are attained in slow degrees.
    S6: However, we must realise the truth that perfection is attained in slow proportions to the amount of labour put in by us.

    P: But slow progress makes us grow impatient, disheartened and discouraged.
    Q: The general tendency is to find fault with the system.
    R: It is for this reason that people condemn and criticise the government.
    S: People expect miracles and nothing short of a magical transformation can convince them.

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