
Word Search :

1.the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with
2.any mechanical force that tends to retard or oppose motion
3.a material's opposition to the flow of electric current
4.the military action of resisting the enemy's advance
5.(medicine) the condition in which an organism can resist disease
6.a secret group organized to overthrow a government or occupation force
7.the degree of unresponsiveness of a disease-causing microorganism to antibiotics or other drugs (as in penicillin-resistant bacteria)
8.(psychiatry) an unwillingness to bring repressed feelings into conscious awareness
9.an electrical device that resists the flow of electrical current 10.group action in opposition to those in power

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Word of the Day

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  • resist
  • resiny
  • resinous
  • resinoid
  • resinlike
  • resinated
  • resinate
  • resin
  • resilient
  • resiliency
  • resistance pyrometer
  • resistance thermometer
  • resistance unit
  • resistant
  • resister
  • resistible
  • resisting arrest
  • resistive
  • resistivity
  • resistless
  • eats
  • wallenstein
  • alpha orionis
  • offenseless
  • fulfilled
  • woodborer
  • eat into
  • unsegregated
  • edition
  • pyrite

  • Idiom of the Day

    have it coming (to someone)
    to deserve punishment
    The man has it coming after causing many problems in his company.

    They met on holiday, fell ________ each other and were married within a month

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