
Word Search :
right of way

1.the privilege of someone to pass over land belonging to someone else
2.the right of one vehicle or vessel to take precedence over another
3.the passage consisting of a path or strip of land over which someone has the legal right to pass

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Word of the Day

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  • right of search
  • right of re-entry
  • right of privacy
  • right of offset
  • right of first publication
  • right of entry
  • right of election
  • right hemisphere
  • right hander
  • right hand
  • right on
  • right smart
  • right stage
  • right to an attorney
  • right to confront accusors
  • right to due process
  • right to liberty
  • right to life
  • right to privacy
  • right to speedy and public trial by jury
  • globe-trot
  • blushing
  • reformulate
  • caitra
  • genus sphyrapicus
  • douglas fir
  • baphia
  • allophonic
  • ironman
  • imperial japanese morning glory

  • Idiom of the Day

    give oneself up to (something)
    to let oneself enjoy something, to not hold oneself back from something
    The man gave himself up to enjoy the party although he was feeling sick.

    S1: Governments are instituted among men to secure their certain inalienable rights.
    S6: Such was the necessity which constrained the united colonies of America to give up thier allegiance to the British Crown and declare themselves free and independent states.

    P: Accordingly, men are more disposed to suffer than to right themselves by abolishing the forms of governments to which they are accustomed.
    Q: But prudence will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes.
    R: They derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and therefore, can also be changed by them.
    S: But whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these rights of the people, it is their duty to throw off such a government.

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