
Word Search :

1.the formation of blood cells in the living body (especially in the bone marrow)

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Word of the Day

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  • sangria
  • sangraal
  • sangoma
  • sango
  • sanger
  • sangay
  • sangaree
  • sangapenum
  • sang-froid
  • sang
  • sanguinaria
  • sanguinaria canadensis
  • sanguinary
  • sanguinary ant
  • sanguine
  • sanguineness
  • sanguineous
  • sanguinity
  • sanicula
  • sanicula arctopoides
  • alidade
  • long-handled spade
  • ripping bar
  • high-definition television
  • liquidate
  • fleur-de-lis
  • brunt
  • genus pseudocolus
  • hospitable
  • republic of zimbabwe

  • Idiom of the Day

    out of line
    unacceptable, not correct
    The salesman's proposal to travel to New York is out of line. We can never accept it.

    He came in right on ________.

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