
Word Search :

1.an abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off
2.a depression scratched or carved into a surface
3.informal terms for money
4.dry mash for poultry
5.a harsh noise made by scraping
6.poor handwriting
7.an indication of damage scratch v.
1.cause friction
2.cut the surface of
3.scrape or rub as if to relieve itching

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Word of the Day

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  • scraps
  • scrappy
  • scrappiness
  • scrappily
  • scrapper
  • scraping
  • scrapie
  • scrapheap
  • scraper
  • scraped
  • scratch along
  • scratch awl
  • scratch out
  • scratch pad
  • scratch paper
  • scratch race
  • scratch sheet
  • scratch test
  • scratch up
  • scratched
  • glowing
  • defensive structure
  • segovia
  • falla
  • daricon
  • mukalla
  • saltwort family
  • incised
  • picovolt
  • rudderstock

  • Idiom of the Day

    with respect to (something)
    referring to something, concerning something
    I do not know what the company will do with respect to the old computer system.

    S1: In ancient Indian history the city of Uijain was quite famous.
    S6: So one can see what a great love all who care for India must feel. for the ancientry of Ujjain.

    P: Here lived at one time the poet Kalidasa.
    Q: He was a famous learned astronomer.
    R: And here also worked and visited Rajah Jaysingh of Jaipur.
    S: It was always renowned as a seat of learning.

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    Two thousand glands in your ear make ear wax to protect you from getting dirt, dust and germs deep in your ear. The wax slowly hardens and comes to the edge of your ear to fall out. If it doesn't fall out, it can harden into a plug of wax up to 2.5 centimetres (about 1 inch) long.      .. More >>
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