
Word Search :

1.of or relating to the study of meaning and changes of meaning

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Word of the Day

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  • selznick
  • selvedge
  • selvage
  • selva
  • seltzer
  • selsyn
  • selma
  • sellout
  • sellotape
  • selloff
  • semantic error
  • semantic memory
  • semantic relation
  • semantic role
  • semantically
  • semanticist
  • semantics
  • semaphore
  • semaphore plant
  • semarang
  • neighbor
  • tenability
  • kennedy interrnational
  • common limpet
  • prisonbreak
  • kidney pie
  • new-made
  • cubic millimetre
  • quagga
  • genus mammillaria

  • Idiom of the Day

    slack off
    to reduce something gradually, to become less active, to become lazy
    Recently, I have begun to slack off in my effort to find a new job.

    Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
    My friend (quit) the class after only three weeks.

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