
Word Search :

1.(of clothing) closing with a narrow overlap and fastened with a single row of buttons

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Word of the Day

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  • single-bedded
  • single-barrelled
  • single-barreled
  • single tax
  • single supplement
  • single stitch
  • single shell
  • single quote
  • single prop
  • single file
  • single-breasted jacket
  • single-breasted suit
  • single-celled
  • single-channel
  • single-entry bookkeeping
  • single-foot
  • single-handed
  • single-handedly
  • single-lane
  • single-leaf
  • massachusetts
  • particulate radiation
  • appoggiatura
  • odd-pinnate leaf
  • sternness
  • genus cacicus
  • genus sarcocystis
  • slippage
  • conservativism
  • donate

  • Idiom of the Day

    a fly in the ointment
    a small thing that spoils one's enjoyment of something
    The problem with the music was a fly in the ointment during the wedding ceremony.

    Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
    I was very tired so I decided to (go to bed) early last night.

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